Adopt-a-Donkey and Gift Certificates

As you might remember, one of our loyal supporters started an adopt-a-donkey initiative for Christmas 2017. It proved to be such a success that she has kindly agreed to continue running the initiative. Adopting a donkey costs £20 and the scheme is wholly managed and funded by this wonderful supporter, so every penny of the proceeds is for the charity to support Lucy's critical work in Israel.
The same supporter also recently came up with the idea of Gift Certificates. Have you got birthday, anniversary or other celebration coming up and not sure what to give? Why not buy a 'general outgoings' gift certificate for £20 (adults) or an 'oats/treat' gift certificate for £10 (kids)? As with the adoption scheme, this initiative is also managed and funded in its entirety by this wonderful supporter, so you can rest assured that every penny of the proceeds will go to the charity to support Lucy's work in Israel.