
Little Poppy and her scoliosis
Meet darling Poppy, born to her rescued mama, Carrots, back in November 2018 with severe scoliosis.

Update on our appeal
No words can fully express our gratitude to the very generous people who have given donations to help us in our emergency, especially...

Israel's Freemasons volunteer at Lucy's Donkey Sanctuary
In the midst of our desperate funding crisis, we have been incredibly fortunate to have some physical help for Lucy at the sanctuary from...

Update on our recent appeal 💕
Following our recent urgent appeal, we would like to give our greatest thanks to all those who are so lovingly doing all they can. You...

Visitor's Day at the Sanctuary in Israel
Last week, Lucy and her volunteers organised a Visitors Day at the rescue sanctuary. The day went really well and Lucy is planning to...

Katy and Ben Hur
Katy and Ben Hur are just two of Lucy's wonderful rescued donkeys. He is a one-eyed, middle-aged, strong and well built tough boy whom...

Update on Alan
Sweet little Alan, the car accident survivor donkey, has just had a growth removed from the upper, back of left leg area, which the vet...

Latest news from the sanctuary
Apologies for the radio silence, but the last few weeks have been very busy for Lucy who, in the midst of so much else, had to move house...

Alan... a few weeks later
Beautiful Alan, who Lucy rescued a few weeks ago after he had been involved in a car accident and lost quite a lot of blood, has been...

Another two little donkeys, found beaten and abused....
Despite our desperately low funds, we could not turn these two donkeys away. This is Valerie and Taylor, possibly mother and son, found a...