Happy New Year!
Wishing our followers, our supporters and our team a very Happy New Year! We hope 2023 brings you prosperity and joy. Thanks for...

Our recent first aid veterinary clinic in the village of Azmut
Against the backdrop of huge political unrest our Palestinian vet goes out once a month to hold a first aid vet clinic for equines.

Christmas 2022 Newsletter
Time flies and we have been busy with the first of our Christmas tasks: our Christmas newsletter. You can look forward to reading about...

Will come to Israel to help look after us?
Our donkeys need you! We are looking for animal-loving, caring people to help us out at the sanctuary in Israel on a voluntary basis,...

Summer 2022 Newsletter
Apologies for the delay - this fell between the cracks; hopefully most of you will already have received the newsletter by email, by post...

Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022
Our sincerest condolences to the Royal Family in the wake of yesterday's sad news. For seven decades, Her Majesty showed incredible...

Goodbye little Katy
A few days ago, we had to take the tough decision to let our elderly Katy go in peace after she collapsed suddenly suffering from what our

🆘Plea for Help🆘
A desperate cry for help for our 56 rescued donkeys, 2 horses and the future of their home; our small sanctuary in Israel.

Our Winter Newsletter is out!
We are delighted to present our latest newsletter. Simply click on the image below to find out the latest news from the sanctuary in...

New arrival Joey
We recently took in a young donkey who we have called Joey. All we know about him is that he came from the Palestinian West Bank, across...

Alan's Story
This short video illustrates why Lucy's UK Donkey Foundation is so very needed in the Holy Land. To share with people, you can use the...

Zachariah Update
Dear Zachariah... a gentle donkey who was tortured in the cruelest way by the despicable act of having his eyes gouged out. He came to us...

Happy Holidays!
We wish our wonderful supporters a wonderful festive season! Thank you for your amazing support!