Outreach clinic in the Palestinian West Bank
Read Lucy's report from her most recent outreach clinic in the Palestinian village Ras Atira, close to the city of Qalilqilya, below: It...

Rescue mission for Gideon
Late at night two days ago, Lucy received a call for help from two kind people. They had seen a poor donkey, who had been left stranded...

Outreach Clinic in Al Razaz
Here are some impressions of one of Lucy's outreach clinics in the Bedouin encampment of Al Razaz, next to the border between Israel and...

eBay for Charity
Did you know that you can sell items on eBay and donate the proceeds directly to Lucy’s UK Donkey Foundation? Some of our wonderful...

Update on our appeal
No words can fully express our gratitude to the very generous people who have given donations to help us in our emergency, especially...

Goodbye little Crystal....
Tragically, we have lost one of Lucy's beautiful rescued donkeys, Crystal. We don’t know what the cause was, she had been completely well...

Israel's Freemasons volunteer at Lucy's Donkey Sanctuary
In the midst of our desperate funding crisis, we have been incredibly fortunate to have some physical help for Lucy at the sanctuary from...

Drew Pritchard becomes our first patron!
We are very pleased to announce that we have a wonderful new Patron for our little charity! Welcome Drew Pritchard of Salvage Hunters and...

The Autumn Newsletter is out!
Our latest Newsletter is out, and as always, it is packed with information and news about Lucy and her donkeys in the Holy Land. Just...

Update on our recent appeal 💕
Following our recent urgent appeal, we would like to give our greatest thanks to all those who are so lovingly doing all they can. You...

Christmas cards now on sale!
Christmas comes but once a year... And although it might not seem like it right now, it will be upon us before we know it! Therefore, our...

Visitor's Day at the Sanctuary in Israel
Last week, Lucy and her volunteers organised a Visitors Day at the rescue sanctuary. The day went really well and Lucy is planning to...

Meet Harry and Paulo
Like so many places in our world, there are areas in the Middle East where people are particularly cruel to poor donkeys. They are too...

The Summer Bulletin is out!
We are happy to announce that the latest Bulletin is out! It is produced and financed entirely by one of our generous supporters. If you...