Thank you to those who made the Beaconsfield book signing such a success!
Some of you will have seen the notice about the Book Signing in Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire on 3rd November and I was delighted to be invited along with Lucy's parents. It was a beautiful but cold day and we were given the warmest welcome in every way.
The book signing and coffee morning was held in the United Reformed Church hall which has a beautiful well-kept garden area.
Brenda and her team of helpers had been hard at work the evening before and everything was ready, well planned and very organised. There was an array of literally hundreds of really interesting books on just about every topic and suitable for any age group or interest.
We had a table for us to display and offer for sale some of our merchandise and some bookmarks that proved very popular as stocking fillers.
From my point of view, it was so nice to meet and personally thank Brenda and her helpers for all they do throughout the year and the wonderful donations they raise for us.
The Book Signing was from 10.30am -12.30pm and combined with a coffee morning providing a fairly constant supply of delicious cakes and coffee. We were incredibly well looked after and in that short time an impressive £250 was raised from the book signing, the sales of books and other items and from generous donations from the public and supporters. We even had some supporters who came from Bourne End specifically to meet us which was very nice.
I would really like to thank all the people we met and who helped on this occasion -
Brenda who organises book sales regularly for us throughout the year, her sister Barbara who helps her and does a great deal, Eleanor who handled all the finance and took all the payments and donations on the day, Pat Abercromby for donating the sales of her latest book ‘Just One Life’ on the day to the charity, the lovely ladies Dorothy and Elaine who kept us supplied with coffee and cakes, and the Reverend Nigel Douglas for allowing the Book Signing to be held in the church hall and offering to find out more about a wonderful very old prayer book to possibly be sold separately
And not least, all people who attended, bought books and other things as well as making additional donations. Our very grateful thanks to all concerned.
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