URGENT: Looking for new trustees!

Are you passionate about donkeys?
Do you have a heart for the plight of abused donkeys in the Holy Land?
Would you like to get involved in running the charity so that Lucy can continue to rescue and care for donkeys in the Holy Land?
Lucy's UK Donkey Foundation is in urgent need of at least one, ideally two new trustees to join the existing Board of Trustees. Even if it isn't for you, please let others know and spread the word, if you can.
What does a trustee do?
As a trustee of a English registered CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation), you will be expected to:
always act in the best interests of the charity – you must not let your personal interests, views or prejudices affect your conduct as a trustee
act reasonably and responsibly in all matters relating to your charity – act with as much care as if you were dealing with your own affairs, taking advice if you need it
only use your charity’s income and property for the purposes set out in its governing document
make decisions in line with good practice and the rules set by your charity’s governing document, including excluding any trustee who has a conflict of interest from discussions or decision-making on the matter
What does this actually mean in practice?
You will be expected to:
attend the trustee meetings (usually 2-3 times a year, they usually take place in Southern England, but you can also attend via Facetime, Whatsapp Video Call or similar video conferencing apps if you are unable to attend in person)
approve campaigns, website changes, appeals and expenditures (usually by email)
help us with fresh ideas for fundraising, increasing the charity’s supporters base, raising awareness etc.
Who can be a trustee?
You do not have to be British or a UK resident in order to become a trustee of an English Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) like Lucy’s UK Donkey Foundation, but you do have to be at least 16 year old and not be ‘disqualified’*.
*Reasons for disqualification include: 1) being bankrupt or having an individual voluntary arrangement; 2) having an unspent conviction for certain offences (including any that involve dishonesty or deception); 3) being on the sex offenders’ register. A full list can be found here.
Want more information about a trustee’s role and duties? Then just click here.
Interested? Then please send us an email.